
Theopolitical Imagination: Discovering the Liturgy as a Political Act in an Age of Global Consumerism is unavailable, but you can change that!

The task of responding to Enlightenment and Postmodern understandings of socio-economic reality has become increasingly urgent in a world where Christian communities feel themselves drowned and eroded by global consumerism. Radical Orthodoxy and its related movements and groups of thinkers have confronted today's secular triumphalists with the evidence that its own political theories are deeply,...

to exonerate the historical church for its many sins. It calls instead for a set of practices which entail a way of repentance for Christian complicity with violence. Expressly theological politics is of course not immune to violence; it all depends on what kind of theology and what kind of politics is being imagined. Negatively, I want only to argue that the separation of power from any transcendent moorings has not made the world less violent, but has only made the violence more arbitrary and more
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